9th SS Aufklarungs Abteilung bylaws

It is the goal of the 9th SS Aufklarungs Abteilung to portray the lives and experiences of the common soldier on the Eastern and Western Front during the Second World War.

Unit Dues

Unit dues are $15.00 for TSG and $20.00 for HRS.

Equal opportunity Statement

The 9th SS Aufklarungs Abteilung is an equal opportunity organization. We do not discriminate on the basis of age, race, sex, or religious preference.

Age Restrictions

Must be 18 years of age to join, but if you are under 18 years it will be determined on a case by case need.

New Members

New members will be put on a years probation. Within this time it is expected they obtain the minimal basic uniform and equipment from the list

Alcohol and Drug usage

Alcohol consumption is permitted by members of age at events which allow it. However, members are encouraged to exercise proper restraint when drinking to ensure that drunkeness does not occur. Illegal drug usage is expressly prohibited. Members of the 9th SS Aufklarungs Abteilungt who are found to be using drugs will be permanently expelled form the organization and if necessary, proper authorities will be contacted.

Safety and Weapons Inspection

Safety is the #1 concern of the 9th SS Aufklarungs Abteilungt. All members who wish to carry a weapon must pass an inspection be instructed on safe weapons handling.


Rank in the 9th SS Aufklarungs Abteilung will be appropriate to the number of members and will be appointed upon merit and experience.

Authenticity Committee

The Authenticity Committee will be headed by the unit commander. Membership in the committee is open to all members. The Authenticity Committee will determine the uniform requirements for the unit, as well as be the authoritative voice on authenticity matters among unit members.

Specialty Impressions

Being that the 9th SS Aufklarungs Abteilung is a basic SS reconnaissance unit, specialist impressions such as engineers, etc. are generally not approved of. However, if someone wishes to portray a specialty impression, it must be approved by the Authenticity Committee.


These bylaws may be amended at any given time. If any member wishes to amend the bylaws, a unit meeting will be called and a vote will be taken. In order for an amendment to be ratified , it must have a positive vote from 2/3 of unit membership.