Photos of the Ft. Knox, May 26-27 2007 event

Mk III tank, and local civilians
Courtesy of David Murphy

Preparing for Battle
David Murphy, and Joe Zilafro
Courtesy of David Murphy

The Husbands and Wives
Courtesy of David Murphy

Ready to move, somewhere in France, 1944
Courtesy of David Murphy

David Murphy and his girl
Courtesy of Lara Zilafro

Joe and Lara Zilafro
Courtesy of Lara Zilafro

Joe taking a needed break
Courtesy of Lara Zilafro

preparing for action
Courtesy of Lara Zilafro

Joe and David
Courtesy of Lara Zilafro

Joe and David forground, Sherman in background
Courtesy of Lara Zilafro

Recovering after battle
Courtesy of Lara Zilafro

Ami (American) Invaders
Courtesy of Lara Zilafro

Mk III tank.. one of the brave defenders
Courtesy of Lara Zilafro

Joe and David hitching a ride
Courtesy of Lara Zilafro

Preparing for action
Courtesy of Lara Zilafro

Preparing for action
Courtesy of Lara Zilafro

On the Defensive
Courtesy of Lara Zilafro

Joe instructing a soldier
Courtesy of Lara Zilafro

They want WHAT???
Courtesy of Lara Zilafro

Joe with wounded comrade David
Courtesy of Lara Zilafro

You can see more photos Here